
All I really want is some balance. Balance between much needed alone time and time spent with creative adventurous people who are still unflinchingly kind on their darkest of days.
People who make you feel safe while seemingly doing nothing at all. People who love animals, nature, books, hot summer days, time in the water, random creative outbursts, adventures, traveling, nights on the town, nights in, late night conversations, being crafty, etc. People who love to try new foods and break bread with passionate conversations (and a little bourbon or wine.) People who support other people’s dreams, who are filled with compassion and confidence in who they are. People who put other people first without expectations.
My time and energy is valuable and I’m all for spending it with like minded souls. Especially with all that has transpired in 2020 and all that has yet to come.
Enough of the energy vampires, negative lusters, refusal to change or grow people, what about me people and whatever other soul sucking mantra people feel the need to live by walking around with their blinders on because true growth, change and happiness is actually hard work you have to do yourself but sweet fucking damn the reward is everything to love yourself, your life and the people in your life. It is like living in a place filled with magic.
End of rant.
Stay safe all. Xoxo