She hid away once again as the pain was far too great to bare and though she longed to feel joy, it made her skin itch and her bones ache. Her scars continued to bleed, drowning her hopes and fears. She began to fade into the warm comfort of darkness because her gift was for others and they craved it but each time it killed another piece of her and would continue to do so until she was merely ash and memories. She wondered if then the evil in her nightmares would finally set her free.

His heart longed for her. Knowing he could bring peace to her chaos, if only she’d take his hand. His arms embraced her like a sunset lake cruise on a cool summers night. His strength steadies her imbalance and she is terrified of her own thoughts . Could this be real? Who is this man? Where did he come from? He gently brushes her hair from her face, kisses her softly and says “I’ve always been here. Waiting until you were ready.”, “even if is not today.” Because he knows, she’s uncommon, a rare gem. So he waits with an optimistic smile.