I am many things you’ll find that out here.
Cryptic? Okay maybe a little bit. A quick bit about me, I have been writing since I was a little girl. It has always been my get away from life, my way of enjoying life and most of all, my creative outlet to let go of whatever was weighing on my mind. I always just wrote for myself which is one of the reasons I have continued to do it for so long. Now a days I write novels, screenplays, short stories, and poetry. Some have stayed for my eyes only and some I have shared. As I get older, I share more without so much fear in hopes my work entertains some and for others may help people.
My other true passion in life is and my first love, is acting and it is something I will never let go of. EVER. I am taking a break and really what that means is I am only filming on a case to case basis and rarely doing theater at this time, during the early years of my son’s life. If interested in seeing my previous films, the ones I’ve acting in or written, Click here (will be back soon!) for a taste.
Currently my main focuses in life are; my amazing son & writing fantasy novels. (Mainly but I love to write most fiction genres!)
That is really only a sliver of who I am in this crazy upside world we live in but I will do my best to share more and if you have questions feel free to ask.
More about me? Check out my website, www.andreadigiglio.com